
Welcome to the Dialect Project: Indy page! Check below the jump for a quick explanation of today's adventure, then let's get crackin'! We've got a dialect to explore!

About The Project
The Dialect Project team interviewed people left and right in order to get a clearer, first hand look at the "accent" of Indianapolis. A city some of the members of our very own team call home, what we discovered was an eye opening glimpse into our personal lives and the way we talk! Most people, when asked, will say that they don't have an accent -- and in their eyes, they're correct, because in relation to the people around them, they don't have an accent! When we started this, we thought Indianapolis was relatively accent-free -- but we were wrong!

If you have questions / comments, drop us a line at indydialect@gmail.com! We'd love to hear from you!

~ Joe, Cat, William, and Rachel